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Champions: Epic Challenge in L2 Impious
Lilith Admin
33 posts
33 topics
5 months ago

In L2 Impious, one of the most thrilling and challenging elements you'll encounter is the Champions. These special enemies not only offer greater difficulty but also more rewarding loot. Recognizable by their red aura and unique title, Champions are easy to spot in any instance or area where they appear.

Main Characteristics of Champions:

  • Spawn Rate: Appear with a 10% chance.
  • Type: They are aggressive, meaning they will attack players on sight.
  • Level: Champions range from level 20 to 100, making them accessible to players of various levels.
  • HP: They have 10x more HP than regular enemies.
  • HP Regeneration: Their health regeneration is 2x faster.
  • EXP Reward: They give 2x more EXP than regular monsters.
  • Champion Reward Chance: They have a 2x higher chance of dropping rewards.
  • Adena and Loot Amount: Both Adena and the amount of items dropped are doubled, making them particularly lucrative for players seeking riches.
  • Attack Speed: Champions attack with 1.5x faster speed than normal monsters, making them a considerable threat.

Champion Rewards:

Upon defeating a Champion, you have the chance to receive special treasure chests with valuable rewards, including:

  • 1x Sayha’s Treasure Chest

  • 1x Aden Big Treasure Chest

  • 1x Einhasad’s Treasure Chest

Drop Rate:

  • If the Champion’s level is lower than yours, the drop chance is 0%.
  • If the Champion’s level is higher, the drop chance is 100%.

Other Features:

  • Vitality: Champions are enabled for vitality, allowing you to recover quickly and continue fighting.
  • Instances: Champions are also enabled in various instances, adding an extra layer of difficulty and excitement to group or solo missions.


Champions represent one of the biggest challenges in L2 Impious. Though they are harder to defeat, the rewards make every battle worthwhile. Be sure to prepare before taking on one, as their speed and resilience will test you like no other foe!

If you're ready to take on the Champions, dive into the world of L2 Impious and show that you can handle these formidable adversaries.

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A hug, 
The L2Impious Team.