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If you have encountered the error, don't worry; it is a common issue that many users face when trying to run certain applications or games. This error occurs when your system is missing the Visual C++ Redistributable libraries required for the proper functioning of many programs.

Fortunately, this error can be easily resolved by downloading and installing the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable libraries for your operating system.

Steps to Resolve the Error:

  1. Determine your operating system:

    • If your operating system is 32-bit, download the x86 version.
    • If your operating system is 64-bit, download the x64 version.
  2. Download the required files:

  3. Install the file:

    • Run the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions.
  4. Restart your system: After the installation is complete, restart your computer to apply the changes.

After following these steps, the Missing MSVCP140.dll error should be resolved, and you'll be able to run your application or game without any issues.

Why does this error occur?

The MSVCP140.dll file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, which some applications and games require to run properly. If this file is missing from your system or is corrupted, the program you are trying to run will display this error.

Additional Tips:

  • Keep your Visual C++ Redistributable libraries up to date: Some applications may require newer versions.
  • If the error persists, try reinstalling the package or verify that you have downloaded the correct version for your operating system.

In L2 Impious, one of the most thrilling and challenging elements you'll encounter is the Champions. These special enemies not only offer greater difficulty but also more rewarding loot. Recognizable by their red aura and unique title, Champions are easy to spot in any instance or area where they appear.

Main Characteristics of Champions:

  • Spawn Rate: Appear with a 10% chance.
  • Type: They are aggressive, meaning they will attack players on sight.
  • Level: Champions range from level 20 to 100, making them accessible to players of various levels.
  • HP: They have 10x more HP than regular enemies.
  • HP Regeneration: Their health regeneration is 2x faster.
  • EXP Reward: They give 2x more EXP than regular monsters.
  • Champion Reward Chance: They have a 2x higher chance of dropping rewards.
  • Adena and Loot Amount: Both Adena and the amount of items dropped are doubled, making them particularly lucrative for players seeking riches.
  • Attack Speed: Champions attack with 1.5x faster speed than normal monsters, making them a considerable threat.

Champion Rewards:

Upon defeating a Champion, you have the chance to receive special treasure chests with valuable rewards, including:

  • 1x Sayha’s Treasure Chest

  • 1x Aden Big Treasure Chest

  • 1x Einhasad’s Treasure Chest

Drop Rate:

  • If the Champion’s level is lower than yours, the drop chance is 0%.
  • If the Champion’s level is higher, the drop chance is 100%.

Other Features:

  • Vitality: Champions are enabled for vitality, allowing you to recover quickly and continue fighting.
  • Instances: Champions are also enabled in various instances, adding an extra layer of difficulty and excitement to group or solo missions.


Champions represent one of the biggest challenges in L2 Impious. Though they are harder to defeat, the rewards make every battle worthwhile. Be sure to prepare before taking on one, as their speed and resilience will test you like no other foe!

If you're ready to take on the Champions, dive into the world of L2 Impious and show that you can handle these formidable adversaries.

В L2 Impious одним из самых захватывающих и сложных элементов игры являются Чемпионы. Эти специальные враги не только представляют большую угрозу, но и приносят значительно более щедрые награды. Их легко распознать по красной ауре и уникальному титулу, которые выделяют их среди обычных врагов.

Основные Характеристики Чемпионов:

  • Частота появления: Появляются с вероятностью 10%.
  • Тип: Они агрессивны, то есть атакуют игроков при виде.
  • Уровень: Чемпионы могут быть от 20 до 100 уровня, что делает их доступными для игроков разного уровня.
  • HP: У них в 10 раз больше здоровья, чем у обычных врагов.
  • Восстановление HP: Они восстанавливают здоровье в 2 раза быстрее.
  • Награда за опыт: Они дают в 2 раза больше опыта, чем обычные монстры.
  • Шанс награды: У них в 2 раза больше шансов оставить награду при убийстве.
  • Количество адены и лута: И адена, и количество предметов удваиваются, что делает их особенно привлекательными для охоты за сокровищами.
  • Скорость атаки: Чемпионы атакуют с на 50% большей скоростью, чем обычные монстры, что делает их серьёзной угрозой.

Награды за убийство Чемпионов:

При победе над Чемпионом вы можете получить специальные сундуки с ценными наградами, среди которых:

  • 1x Сундук Сайхи

  • 1x Большой сундук Адена

  • 1x Сундук Эйнхасад

Вероятность дропа:

  • Если уровень Чемпиона ниже вашего, шанс получить предметы равен 0%.
  • Если уровень Чемпиона выше, вероятность дропа — 100%.

Другие Особенности:

  • Виталити: У Чемпионов активирована виталити, что позволяет вам быстрее восстанавливать ресурсы.
  • Инстансы: Чемпионы также появляются в различных инстансах, добавляя дополнительный уровень сложности и интереса к групповым и одиночным миссиям.


Чемпионы представляют одну из самых сложных задач в L2 Impious. Хотя они труднее в бою, награды делают каждую победу очень ценной. Будьте готовы к сражению, так как их скорость и устойчивость проверят ваши силы!

Если вы готовы встретить Чемпионов, погружайтесь в мир L2 Impious и докажите, что способны справиться с этими могущественными врагами.

En L2 Impious, uno de los elementos más emocionantes y desafiantes que encontrarás son los Champions, enemigos especiales que te ofrecerán no solo una mayor dificultad, sino también recompensas mucho más jugosas. Estos campeones destacan entre los enemigos regulares por su aura roja y el título especial que llevan, haciéndolos fáciles de reconocer en cualquier instancia o área donde se encuentren.

Características Principales de los Champions:

  • Frecuencia: Aparecen con una probabilidad del 10%.
  • Tipo: Son agresivos, por lo que siempre atacarán a los jugadores que se acerquen.
  • Nivel: Aparecen en un rango de nivel 20 a 100, lo que los convierte en enemigos accesibles para jugadores de una amplia gama de niveles.
  • HP: Tienen 10 veces más puntos de vida en comparación con los enemigos normales.
  • Regeneración de HP: Su regeneración de vida es el doble de rápida.
  • Recompensa de EXP: Otorgan 2 veces más experiencia que un enemigo regular.
  • Probabilidad de Recompensa (Champion Reward Chance): Tienen el doble de probabilidad de dejar recompensas al ser derrotados.
  • Adena y Cantidad de Recompensas: Tanto el Adena como la cantidad de objetos obtenidos se duplican, haciendo que sean especialmente atractivos para los jugadores en busca de tesoros y riquezas.
  • Velocidad de Ataque: Los Champions atacan con un 50% más de velocidad que los monstruos normales, lo que los convierte en una amenaza considerable.

Recompensas de los Champions:

Al derrotar a un Champion, tienes la posibilidad de obtener cofres especiales con valiosas recompensas. Entre estos cofres se encuentran:

  • 1x Sayha’s Treasure Chest

  • 1x Aden Big Treasure Chest

  • 1x Einhasad’s Treasure Chest

Probabilidad de Drop:

  • Si el nivel del campeón es menor que el tuyo, la probabilidad de obtener un objeto es del 0%.
  • Si el nivel del campeón es mayor, tendrás una probabilidad del 100% de obtener recompensas.

Otras Características:

  • Vitality: Los Champions están habilitados para otorgar vitalidad, lo que te permitirá regenerar rápidamente tus recursos y seguir luchando.
  • Instancias: Estos enemigos también están habilitados en diversas instancias del juego, lo que agrega un nivel extra de dificultad y emoción a las misiones de grupo o solitarias.


Los Champions representan uno de los desafíos más significativos en L2 Impious. Aunque son más difíciles de derrotar, las recompensas que ofrecen hacen que cada enfrentamiento valga la pena. No olvides estar preparado cuando te enfrentes a uno de ellos, ¡porque su velocidad y resistencia te pondrán a prueba como ningún otro enemigo!

Si te sientes listo para enfrentar el reto de los Champions, adéntrate en el mundo de L2 Impious y demuestra que puedes con estos poderosos adversarios.


Introduction to Lineage 2 Essence Lineage 2 Essence was launched by NCSoft as a refined, fast-paced version of the original MMORPG. Released globally in 2019, it introduces a more streamlined experience for both new and returning players. The game reduces the time-consuming grind associated with classic MMORPGs, offering easier leveling, automated combat systems, and solo-friendly mechanics. The focus of Essence is on making PvP more accessible while keeping the core elements of Lineage 2 intact.


Differences Between Lineage 2 Classic and Lineage 2 Essence While Lineage 2 Classic remained faithful to the original game's grind-heavy nature, Lineage 2 Essence takes a different approach. Here are the key differences:

  • Solo Play & PvP Focus: Essence is designed for players who enjoy solo gameplay, offering self-sufficient class systems with integrated buffs and heals, eliminating the need for group play.
  • Auto-Functions & Reduced Grind: With auto-battle and quicker leveling, players can reach endgame content faster, skipping the slower leveling experience of the classic version​.
  • Streamlined Classes: While the classic version had rigid roles, classes in Essence are more flexible and solo-friendly, even allowing healers to dish out decent damage​.
  • Pet System: Essence has an advanced pet system where pets play an active role in combat, adding depth to solo and group battles alike​.

Races and Classes in Lineage 2 Essence Essence retains the familiar seven races from previous versions: Humans, Elves, Dark Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Kamael, and the new Sylph race introduced in a global update. Each race has unique class archetypes and abilities:


  • Humans: Balanced in terms of strength and defense, with access to classes like Knights, Rogues, and Mages.
  • Elves: Known for their agility and magic, specializing in healing and archery.
  • Dark Elves: Dark magic users, capable of high damage but lower defenses.
  • Orcs: Physically strong with powerful melee abilities.
  • Dwarves: Known for crafting and support, with strong melee options.
  • Kamael: A hybrid class with both physical and magical abilities, excelling in PvP.
  • Sylph: A newly introduced race in Essence with a focus on ranged damage using guns and advanced mobility​.

Curiosities About Lineage 2 Essence

  • Transformation System: Unlike Classic, some classes in Essence have unique transformations that grant special abilities for a limited time, adding a layer of strategy to combat​).
  • Special PvP Zones: Certain areas of the game are exclusively PvP-enabled, making for high-stakes battles with special rewards​.
  • Item Customization: Players can further enhance their gear with special soul crystals and talisman systems, providing unique boosts in PvE and PvP.

Why Choose L2 Impious? If you're a fan of Lineage 2 Essence and looking for a server that captures the spirit of the game while offering a dynamic and international experience, L2 Impious is the perfect place. Our server offers a well-balanced PvP environment, bilingual support, and frequent updates to keep the gameplay engaging. Join our community and dive into a world where legends defy the divine!

Conclusion Lineage 2 Essence revitalizes the original game by making it faster and more accessible without losing the core essence that made Lineage 2 iconic. With its solo-friendly design, revamped PvP, and fresh mechanics like the pet system, it's an ideal choice for players looking for a modern MMORPG experience with nostalgic roots. Whether you're an old player or new, Essence offers something exciting for everyone!

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